Sunday, June 10, 2012


This is what I hope to be doing a lot of in about 3 days.  School will have ended and maybe I can actually sleep past 5:30am.  I look so peaceful - I must be dreaming about climbing.

My skin feels tender and my callouses are peeling.  Two weeks makes a difference, but I've been into other things like running and hot yoga so I have that going for me, physically.  My head needs a break from obsessing about routes and boulder problems both indoors and out, anyway.  Right?  I'm trying to convince myself of that.

I've missed it.  Early June is a lot like early September - as the school year winds down, my task list and stress levels amp up. 

In just a few days though I'll have my sights set on something other than grading, reading, and planning.  And stressing - I plan to relieve myself of that.  My plan is to get inside for some movement and then get outside on that beautiful purple quartzite at least 3 times before I leave for a month-long vacation to California.   Hooray! 

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